Package org.codehaus.mojo.javascript

Class Summary
AbstractCompressMojo Abstact mojo for compressing JavaScripts.
AbstractJavascriptReport Abstract report for running Javascript-based report tools
AbstractPackageMojo Abstract Goal which packages scripts and resources as a javascript archive to be installed / deployed in maven repositories.
AbstractTitaniumPackageMojo Titanium package abstract base class;
AndroidEmulatorThread Utitlity class to manage the android emulator Thread.
AttachCompressedMojo Goal used to package compressed JavaScript files and package them as a javascript archive attaching this new artifact to the project for beeing installed / deployed with the regular uncompressed js-archive.
AttachStrippedMojo Goal used to package stripped JavaScript files and package them as a javascript archive attaching this new artifact to the project for beeing installed / deployed with the regular uncompressed js-archive.
CompileMojo Goal which assemble javascript sources into the packaging directory.
CompressMojo Goal used to strip and compress the JavaScript files from the target script directory
HelpMojo Display help information on javascript-maven-plugin.
InPlaceMojo Goal that copies javascript dependencies to the web application script folder, inside the webapp source directory.
JsDocReport Generate JsDoc report
JsLintReport Generate JsLint code analysis report
JsUnitMojo Goal which runs javascript tests using jsunit framework.
JsUnitTestCase Simple wrapper arround StandaloneTest to setup the jetty http server from Maven.
MojoJSCompressorLogger Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
PackageMojo Goal which packages scripts and resources as a javascript archive to be installed / deployed in maven repositories.
PrepareJsunitTestsMojo Goal which copies scripts to the test-script directory.
PrepareTitaniumJasmineTestMojo This Mojo create the titanium project structure required to execute the jasmine tests.
Tiapp Class representing the titanium configuration.
TitaniumCompileMojo Goal that will place in a titanium build directory the file needed to create a titanium package.
TitaniumPackageMojo Compile the titanium application based on the selected platform.
TitaniumPreparePackage This goal strips and compress the source scripts in order to create the distribution package.
TitaniumSettings Class containing information on the titanium SDK to use.
VirtualDevice Represent a Virtual Device configuration.
WarPackageMojo Goal that prepares scripts for packaging as a web application.
WebappCompressMojo Goal to be used from a war project, to compress the scripts present in the webapp packaging folder.

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